I love getting dressed up, whether it be fancy dress, or evening dresses, there’s just something about it that makes me feel so good! It was an absolute pleasure to be asked to host the Causeway Business Awards and Gala (2022).

It was lovely to be Master of Ceremonies in an international setting, with the organisation uniting business on both sides of the Irish Sea. Companies and Individuals from Scotland, Ireland and Northern Ireland all attending the event. 

The night was filled with many prevalent speakers throughout the evening, including the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, Robert Aldridge. 

Other keynote speakers included:

  • Ivan McKee, Scottish Government’s Minister for Business, Trade, Tourism and Enterprise
  • Jane McCulloch, Irish government, Consul General of Ireland in Scotland
  • Nigel Robertson, Diageo Brand Home Business Development Manager, representing Johnnie Walker Princes Street. (Headline Sponsor)

The award categories this year were:

  • Ireland to Scotland Exporter of the Year
  • Northern Ireland to Scotland Exporter of the Year
  • Scotland to Ireland Exporter of the Year
  • Health and Wellbeing Award
  • Innovative Organisation of the Year
  • Sustainable Organisation of the Year
  • Rising  Star – Young Professional of the Year
A Massive congratulations to all the finalists and winners!
A huge congratulations and thanks to Judith O’Leary and Brigid Whoriskey, Co-Chairs of Causeway, for organising such a fabulous event, and for giving me the chance to be a part of it – I look forward to hosting this event in October 2023!
Photographs: Ian Georgeson

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