In 2018, my colleague at the time and I were invited to host the stage at the Dundee Christmas Lights Switch on. The City has changed a lot since then, refocusing the start of Christmas from switching the lights on to launching Winterfest. 

It was an honour to be able to do this, and be involved with the local talent performing for the night. 

The two years prior to the city lights switch on, I hosted the Wellgate Shopping Centre lights switch on, which was always a massive day of fun, including a visit from Santa himself! 

These kind of events are always a massive hit within the community, and add to the magic of Christmas. IT’s a great opportunity for both local, and bigger names to showcase talent, and get involved with a special day/evening.

Around the last couple of weeks in November, cities and town across the country start the official Switch On of Christmas. The centres come to life, festive feels spreading throughout the community. 

Unfortunately at this time, the weather has decided not to play ball, and it’s sad to see a number of these switch ons cancelled across Scotland. 

I loved hosting both of these events – if there’s something I can do to make your event more magical, drop me a message and let’s talk! 

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